What if joy was a rare event, occurring only once a year? Not only would we look forward to that day, we would also worry that something might steal it. What if a catastrophe ruined our special day? What if we fell off a mountain or a mountain fell on us? We might string up imaginary barbed wire, hoping to snag trouble before it had a chance to creep up and steal our joy. The problem is, we could get tangled in our self-protection and sabotage that one, magical day.
It’s impossible to fill your cup with joy if it’s already overflowing with worry or regret. A positive outlook can change our lives. Positive thoughts have the power to rewire the brain.
In 1856, a newspaper in Colchester, England wrote about the potent force of our thoughts. Years later, in 1872, an Iowa newspaper reworked the idea a bit.
“Plant a thought and reap a word.
Plant a word and reap an action.
Plant an action and reap a habit.
Plant a habit and reap a character.
Plant a character and reap a destiny.”
–Bishop Beckwaith (credited)
Today I will take one thought and put it into action–an action that may change my life.
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